Coalition Movement Camp: 10/10/10 Work Party
You’ve seen the film, Coalition of the Willing. On October 10, 2010, Coalition of the Willing launches the second phase of the project: the Coalition Movement Camp 10/10/10 Work Party — a flash mob development party for the climate movement. This is your opportunity to log on, converge, and swarm!
The aim of the Coalition Movement Camp is to enable activists, experts, and ordinary people to collaborate online with the world’s top web design talent. The goal is to brainstorm ideas towards a new generation of internet platforms for the climate crisis.
The Coalition Movement Camp is staged to coincide with’s 10/10/10 Global Day of Action. The venue is an open collaboration space: There will be sessions devoted to specific projects and campaigns including 350, OneClimate, and Appropedia. You’ll be able to upload image and video files and contribute to real time chat. There will be chat and twitter aggregation and webcasts incorporating contributions by Skype video. Our facilitators will work to summarize developments and keep you up to speed. We are looking forward to an incredible day of collaborative design, planning, and development.
The Coalition Movement Camp will run 10am to 10pm EDT/2pm to 2am GMT. Sign up to the Coalition Movement Camp on the form below. (Please note: the start time given on the sign up form is incorrect, as is the length of the event: it is 12 hours, not 24. Apologies!).
10.00am EDT/2pm GMT: Coalition Brainstorm
You are familiar with the online network described in the film ‘Coalition of the Willing’. Now help us brainstorm ideas towards it’s realization! We are planning to throw out three key challenges for community discussion:
1. Mapping the field: what existing sites/services perform the kinds of functions described in the film? What additional functions are required?
2. Benefits and challenges of interoperability: what might be achieved by linking these sites/services? What are the challenges involved in doing this?
3. The ethical challenges of interoperability: what social/ethical protocols are required to sustain creative collaboration between different online audiences (e.g., activists, innovators, green wiki enthusiasts, and so on)?
We’ll be heading up the session (like other session hosts) with a video shout out that will be saved on site for repeat viewing. You’ll be able to respond by uploading text, image, and video files, by jumping on our live webcasting channel on for a shout out of your own, or by participating in the real time chat. (Tip: if you have material you’d like to share, prepare it beforehand so that it’s ready to upload on the day).
12.00pm EDT/4pm GMT: CoopAgora/JAK Bank: How Cooperatives Can Save the Planet
CoopAgora are online advocates of cooperative culture. The JAK bank is a cooperative, interest-free, institution. How might we translate the cooperative ideals of these sorts of organizations into social and economic principles that impact the climate crisis? Log on at 12pm to find out why the future is cooperative!
1.00pm EDT/5pm GMT: The Future of Online Activism
We are sure looking forward to this one! Joe Solomon, social media coordinator for, is taking time out from his work party schedule to head-up a chatstorm on online activism: 2011 and beyond! A good proportion of our participants have registered as activists, so this will be a busy session. No doubt the discussion from the previous two sessions will feed right into it, and the discussion from this session will feed right back into all the others! (Note: Those you you who are looking forward to a busy discussion on the Coalition vision or cooperatives – never fear! – the Future of Online Activism may suck away participants for a spell, but they’ll be back recharged with ideas once the chatstorm is done).
2.00pm EDT/6pm GMT: Metacurrency
Metacurrency is a brilliant, ambitious, initiative: the attempt to broaden out the concept of currency beyond money, so to totally refigure standing ecologies of production and exchange. The team at Metacurrency is currently building a platform to facilitate this. We know the untrammeled pursuit of profit has landed us in an awesome ecological mess. How might tranforming the meaning of currency help us get out of it? Log on at 2.00pm to find out!
3.00pm EDT/7pm GMT: Green Wikis Are Go!
Green wikis are places where people share high quality knowledge on low carbon living. This session brings together the team behind a leading established player in the field – Appropedia – with the young turks behind an emerging service – GreenTribe (coming online in October). Appropedia start at 3.00pm EDT/7pm GMT. GreenTribe start an hour later: 4.00pm EDT/7pm GMT. Join the discussion on the future of online sustainability!
This is what we have lined up as of this moment. However, we are discussing session options with other parties, so there should be even more happening on the day! It is not too late to register a session of your own. If you’d like to do this, please email Michael Maranda ( ASAP.
Chances are you will be busy on 10/10/10 with other work party projects. The good news is that you can drop in and out of the Camp. You might join a conversation and monitor it through the day. You might participate at different points of the day, contributing to those sessions that interest you. You might add something over breakfast, then log in again after dinner to check up on developments.
We’re launching the Movement Camp on the Net, but this doesn’t preclude face to face engagement as part of this effort. We are working with Meetup Everywhere to enable groups to gather in net convenient spaces where their conversation can join the Movement Camp deliberations. Check to see if there are any Meetups in your area. Feel free to start one if there aren’t!
If you have a platform-in-development or other ideas you’d like to share with our community, we are happy to discuss organizing a session. Email Tim Rayner (tim at timrayner dot net) or Michael Maranda (tropology at gmail dot com) and we’ll take it from there.
We are currently building the collaborative platform for the Coalition Movement Camp. Sign up for updates on the project-in-progress, and keep an eye on
The results of the Coalition Movement Camp will be collated and made available under a Creative Commons License on the Coalition blog.